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Welcome to the Office and Professional Employees International Union
The Office and Professional Employees International Union was chartered in 1945 and, with more than 90,000 members, we’re one of the larger unions of the AFL-CIO. OPEIU has locals throughout the United States and Canada. You are not alone when you join OPEIU.

Latest News

Nearly 4,000 D.C., Virginia, and Maryland healthcare workers overwhelmingly vote to approve a strike at Kaiser Permanente

  • 18 September 2023

Largest single-employer union negotiation in the U.S. inches closer to strike over unfair labor practices

Healthcare workers say Kaiser’s refusal to acknowledge under-staffing, decline in patient care is driving a growing crisis 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – 3,800 D.C., Virginia, and Maryland healthcare workers who are part of OPEIU Local 2 announced on Monday that they have voted to authorize a strike to protest unfair labor practices by a margin of 98 percent if no agreement is reached by September 30. This comes on the heels of nearly 65,000 SEIU members in Colorado, California, Oregon, and Southwest Washington voting to authorize a strike at Kaiser Permanente in the past two weeks. 

This could be the largest healthcare strike in U.S. history, as workers say Kaiser executives refuse to acknowledge the decline in patient service and care and negate the struggle of the workforce to keep up with the high cost of living in areas where Kaiser operates.

“We’ve been raising the alarm about patient safety, but Kaiser isn’t hearing us. Kaiser executives keep refusing to listen to frontline healthcare workers on the issues that impact the care of our patients, and they’re violating the law by failing to bargain in good faith,” said Katrina Schaetz, OB-GYN clinical assistant. “We are standing up for more staff and better patient care. If Kaiser doesn't stop committing unfair labor practices, healthcare workers are prepared to go on strike.”


  • 13 September 2023

On Thursday, Sept. 14, Starbucks Workers United is calling upon community supporters to join the fight to help Starbucks workers win a fair first contract. Visit their website to join an action near you!


Kaiser Health Care Workers Voting on Strike Authorization

  • 12 September 2023
Kaiser Health Care Workers Voting on Strike Authorization

Tens of thousands of workers at Kaiser Permanente hospitals and clinics across the country are voting on whether to authorize a strike. The Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions, which includes a dozen local unions, said a strike would start no earlier than Oct. 1. More than 80,000 employees are represented by the coalition, including the Office and Professional Employees (OPEIU), which represents some 12,000 Kaiser employees. If a strike moves forward, it would be the largest strike of health care workers in the history of the country. Union members are pushing for safe staffing levels to protect nurses and patients.

“Patient care is in crisis at Kaiser Permanente,” said Linda Bridges, president of OPEIU Local 2 in Silver Spring, Maryland. “Staffing was decimated during the pandemic and it has not gotten any better. The problem we’re dealing with is Kaiser is not hearing us. Kaiser can and must do better....They need to stop the unfair labor practices and address the healthcare staffing needs now.”

New Degree Programs Added to Your OPEIU Discount College Benefit!

  • 11 September 2023

NOW AVAILABLE: Southeastern University’s Affordable Online Degree Programs in
Nursing, Digital Marketing, Hospitality, Ministry, Global Education and More!

More schools and online program options than ever are now available through your
OPEIU Discount College benefit, including the newest addition, Southeastern University (SEU).

Explore all the career-focused degrees and opportunities SEU has to offer:

  • Elevate your nursing career with SEU's RN to BSN program
  • Unlock your creative expression with a degree in Digital Media & Design
  • Other degree programs available include Tourism & Hospitality Management, Global Education and more!

Now enrolling for the Fall 2023 semester. Get started today!

Learn more about OPEIU’s Discount College benefit here and click on the EDVANCE Union College Benefit link

Nonprofit Workers at International Rescue Committee Announce Union in Dallas

  • 7 September 2023

DALLAS, TX - Approximately 80 employees at the national nonprofit organization International Rescue Committee (IRC) announced the formation of their union with the Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU) Local 277.

The employees who provide a broad slate of services to refugees and asylum seekers in the resettlement process presented a letter to the Dallas office Executive Director, Shalaina Abioye on Wednesday requesting that the organization voluntarily recognize their union, IRC Workers Unite.

“An overwhelming majority of us have signed union cards and come forward because, as the staff that provide IRC services on the frontlines, we understand this work the best,” said Zarifa Barkatullah, Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) Coordinator. “We see this as an opportunity for leadership to partner with us to improve our work and better achieve our vital mission.”

Home and Auto Insurance Savings for Union Members

  • 5 September 2023

Want to save more on home and auto insurance? Union Plus connects you with Farmers Insurance ChoiceSM where you can compare home and auto insurance quotes from top companies all in one place and choose the policies that may be right for you.

Get your free quotes today

Message produced and initiated by Union Privilege, 1100 First Street, NE, Suite 850, Washington, DC 20002. CA license #0E89960; NY license #1058096. Farmers Insurance Choice is used by agents, like Farmers General Insurance Agency, Inc. (CA License #0D25399) to provide a choice of providers, not just Farmers GroupSelect companies. Insurance is underwritten by Farmers Property and Casualty Insurance or certain of its affiliates: Economy Fire & Casualty Company, Economy Preferred Insurance Company, Farmers Casualty Insurance Company, Farmers Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Farmers Group Property and Casualty Insurance Company, or Farmers Lloyds Insurance Company of Texas, all with administrative home offices in Warwick, RI. List of licenses at Coverage, rates, discounts, and policy features vary by state and product and are available in most states to those who qualify.  © 2023 Union Privilege, Inc., provider of Union Plus benefits. Unsubscribing here will not prevent your receipt of e-mail dispatched directly from Farmers GroupSelect, its affiliates, and/or other program carriers, as this e-mail is being initiated solely by Union Privilege.

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The OPEIU app is available for free download. It’s a great way to stay connected to your union, learn more about your membership benefits, find links to OPEIU’s social media networks and much more. Available for free download for iOS devices on the App Store and for Android devices on Google Play by searching OPEIU.


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OPEIU members take action every day to make our world a better place for all. That’s why we’ve created the OPEIU Member Action Team. We need members like you to call on for a rapid response to urgent situations impacting working people.  The future of our labor movement and OPEIU depends on leaders who are committed to organizing and to advocating for justice.


Will you join us? It takes just a few moments to sign up for the OPEIU Member Action Team here


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About Us

​The Office and Professional Employees International Union was chartered in 1945 and​, with more than ​90,000 members, we’re one of the larger unions of the AFL-CIO. OPEIU has locals ​throughout the United States and Canada.

More Information


Contact Us
President's Office 
80 Eighth Avenue
(entrance at 265 West 14th Street)
Suite 201
New York, NY 10011
Phone:  (800) 346-7348 / (212)-675-3210