Union News

Union Plus Mortgage Program

  • 17 October 2021
The Union Plus Mortgage Program can help union members and even family members become homeowners. Buyers and refinancers get competitive rates on a variety of loan options. And the program comes with other perks too – a grant for veterans, gift awards after closing, and a safety net in the form of financial assistance in case of disability, lay off, lock out, and other eligible income loss.*

If you’d like to know more about the support and peace of mind that comes with a Union Plus mortgage, visit us to learn more.


*Additional information and eligibility criteria can be obtained at unionplus.org/mortgageassistance.

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Here Are Four Cybersecurity Tips to Keep You Protected

  • 14 October 2021

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and a great time to remind you to sign up for the OPEIU Identity Theft Protection benefit. This benefit is provided at no cost to all OPEIU members. Below is some information to keep in mind from our identity theft protection provider, IDIQ.

There’s never been a better time than right now to review the processes you have in place to avoid the latest cybersecurity risks lurking in the corners of our everyday digital lives.

The top cybersecurity concerns for consumers regarding their personal information are identity theft and stolen credit or debit card information, according to a recent survey conducted by core technology provider CSI.

Honoring Indigenous People's Day

  • 11 October 2021

Wireless Savings!

  • 4 October 2021
Your wireless service shouldn’t break your bank–or break up when you’re in the middle of call. Learn how the AT&T Signature Program helps union members stay connected while enjoying monthly savings on wireless:


Turning 65? OPEIU's New Medicare Advantage Plan May be Right for You

Register for an informational webinar Oct. 6 at 3 pm EDT

  • 30 September 2021

If you’re at or nearing 65, OPEIU has an exciting new option to help save you money and provide dependable health care benefits during your retirement.

OPEIU is pleased to now offer our Medicare-eligible union retirees comprehensive Medicare Advantage plans through a trusted national partner, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. These plans are available exclusively to retired OPEIU members and their spouses/partners and cannot be found or bought on the open Medicare market.

These plans offer enhanced services compared to the Individual Medicare market, brand name prescription drug benefits and gap (“donut hole”) coverage, nationwide access and value-added programs (like SilverSneakers® gym membership, telehealth, hearing and more).

Contact Us

Nicole Korkolis
Director of Communication,   Education and Research


Suzanne Fenech

Communication Specialist






Kyle Friend

Senior Communication Strategist





About Us

​The Office and Professional Employees International Union was chartered in 1945 and​, with more than ​90,000 members, we’re one of the larger unions of the AFL-CIO. OPEIU has locals ​throughout the United States and Canada.

More Information
Contact Us
President's Office 
80 Eighth Avenue
(entrance at 265 West 14th Street)
Suite 201
New York, NY 10011
Phone:  (800) 346-7348 / (212)-675-3210