OPEIU members joined together with union members across the U.S. this past election cycle to call voters, write postcards and get out the vote to put into power a pro-worker Congress and a pro-worker White House.
Now, we need your help to turn our electoral victory into substantive change.
Call or write your member of Congress and tell them to level the playing field between workers and their employers by passing the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, a cornerstone of the AFL-CIO's Workers First Agenda.
Working people have a serious opportunity to pressure our elected officials to make good on their promise to pass the PRO Act. If signed into law, the PRO Act would:
· Empower workers to organize and bargain collectively;
· Hold corporations accountable for union-busting;
· Repeal so-called "right-to-work" laws that are used to suppress wages and worker power.
We can't afford to waste this opportunity. The stakes are too high.
In solidarity,